Being a patient who’s undergoing oxygen therapy, you’re probably wondering what to use for a dry nose. Fortunately, there are several alternatives that can help.

Many patients with respiratory and lung problems such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) use oxygen therapy to fulfill the oxygen needs in the body. Oxygen therapy is a medical treatment that involves using supplemental oxygen and can lead to a dry nose from oxygen, nasal irritation after oxygen delivery along with a sore throat and mouth, especially when you are using it on a daily basis. For better results, it is best to avail of services from a trusted oxygen company and use the prescribed oxygen pressure. There are various ways to deliver oxygen that include an oxygen tube in the mouth, a breathing tube, or through prongs or cannulas. Some patients are also prescribed with oxygen machines that are portable and can be used at home. Using oxygen therapy might make you uncomfortable in the beginning. Some people get used to it because they take up the treatment for the dry nose from oxygen upon themselves, while others go with another option. If you aren’t aware of how to treat dry nose, mouth, and throat which result from oxygen therapy, this article will help you deal with these problems with some simple techniques.

Identifying the Symptoms

Using oxygen therapy as a part of your daily treatment plan can lead to a variety of difficulties such as sinuses, sore throat, or a dry nose from oxygen. Here are the symptoms of a dry mouth, throat, and nose.

Dry Mouth and Throat:

A dry mouth, also called xerostomia, can occur when there is not enough moisture in your mouth. If you are using a mask for oxygen intake or an oxygen tube in mouth, chances are you will end up with a dry mouth. Many patients don’t consider a dry mouth a serious problem. However, moisturizers for oxygen users are recommended to prevent it from getting worse. Other symptoms of dry mouth include a scratchy voice, sore throat, thick saliva, patchy tongue, trouble chewing, or a dry nose.

Dry Nose:

The dry nose symptom, also called rhinitis sicca, can occur from nasal irritation after oxygen intake through an oxygen tube. This can lead to bleeding from the nose or even infections in severe cases. Other symptoms of a dry nose include nasal itchiness, cracking, and an uncomfortable or a tight feeling inside the nose.

Risks and Complications of not Treating a Dry Mouth

A dry mouth or throat caused by an oxygen tube in the mouth can lead to some serious complications. That’s why it’s crucial to use a moisturizer, especially on the days you are engaging in oxygen therapy. Many patients who frequently use oxygen tubes face complications. This is why techniques such as using a moisturizer is a must.

Tooth Decay:

Certain medications with high dosage can cause excessive dryness in the mouth. In case of extreme dryness, especially caused by an oxygen tube in the mouth, the glands that produce saliva are unable to keep the mouth moist. Our saliva contains antibacterial properties that help break down food particles and hence, keeping our mouth away from bacterial build-ups. When there isn’t enough saliva in our mouth for a long time, it can lead to tooth decay and cavities.


Mouth and Gum Infections:

A dry mouth can also cause fungal infections in your gums or inner areas of your cheeks that can be quite painful.

What Can You Do to Prevent This?

Supplemental oxygen through oxygen therapy can cause mouth dryness, throat irritation, dry nose, and nasal irritation after oxygen intake, in the majority of COPD patients. However, there are ways to treat dryness caused by using an oxygen tube.

1. Make Adjustments to Your Oxygen Delivery System

Oxygen therapy is a part of the treatment plan for the majority of COPD patients. Therefore, it’s important to incorporate ways to reduce the dryness caused by an oxygen tube in the mouth or nasal cannula. Make sure to use the right size and type of mask for getting oxygen along with a humidifier. Oxygen tube nose irritation can cause a feeling of discomfort since you might be using it for a few hours every day. Make sure to take care of it from the beginning.

2. Get a Humidifier Bottle for Your Oxygen Delivery System

The frequent oxygen flow causes dry mouth, throat, and dry nose from oxygen. Another thing that you should do is to add a humidifier to the oxygen system. A humidifier acts as a moisturizer for oxygen users. Also, do not forget to fill the humidifier bottle with distilled water since it will be creating moisture in the air. Moreover, consult with your doctor about adding a humidifier to your oxygen device since it can play a huge part in reducing your mouth and nose dryness.

3. Don't Let Your Oxygen Mask Leak

If you are already using a humidifier as a part of your oxygen therapy and still getting a nasal irritation after oxygen delivery or a dry mouth, there’s a good chance that your oxygen mask might be leaking. The humid air escapes from the leakage, causing severe dry mouth or a dry nose from oxygen. This is why it is necessary to keep a check on your oxygen system to avoid a mouth and nose irritation after oxygen intake.

4. Get a More Comfortable Oxygen Mask or Nasal Cannula

As mentioned earlier, it’s important to choose the right size and design of an oxygen mask or nasal cannula which is made of good quality materials, to avoid discomfort during oxygen therapy. When you’re using the right oxygen mask, there will be no leaks and hence, humid air from the humidifier will act as a moisturizer for oxygen users. If you aren’t using the right oxygen mask, system, or humidifier, you could end up facing severe complications.

5. Use Moisturizers and Creams

Using a moisturizer for oxygen users is necessary as a saliva substitute for the mouth. You can rinse your mouth as well, but it won’t be as effective as using a moisturizer. A saliva substitute also comes in the form of a spray. You can choose the best-suited solution for you such as a nasal moisturizer for oxygen users, mouth spray, or gel based solution after consulting with your doctor.

6. Make Hydration a Priority

As we’ve understood by now about how to help a dry nose or dry mouth, that is to make hydration a priority. If you are going through oxygen therapy, good water intake is necessary.

7. Get a Humidifier for Your House

Along with using a built-in humidifier in your oxygen therapy system, it’s also recommended to get a humidifier in your house. If the oxygen flow has caused you a nasal irritation or itchiness, make sure you’re taking extra measures to lubricate your mouth and nasal area. A dry nose and certain medications can cause discomfort, making you feel uneasy all the time. A humidifier in your room will add moisture to the environment you’re living in.

8. Know Which Foods Can Help Dry Mouth and Which Foods Make it worse

Saliva plays an important role in keeping our mouth moist and bacteria-free. Hence when you’re going for oxygen therapy, try to avoid foods that cause even more dryness. Instead, use foods that can help you treat a dry mouth. Along with using a moisturizer for oxygen users, make sure you’re eating foods such as vegetables, citrus fruits, and apples. That reduces a dry mouth by adding moisture. In addition to that, if your sugar intake is high, that will also increase dryness in your mouth and throat. It’s also important to avoid drinks that contain alcohol and caffeine as they decrease the amount of water in the body by expelling it.

9. Don't Breathe in Through Your Mouth

Another way to reduce dryness is to breathe through your nose. A nasal moisturizer for oxygen users will prevent the nasal area from getting dry in this case. Breathing through your mouth dries out the saliva, making your mouth and throat itchy and tight. A dry nose from oxygen intakes can be easily reduced by using lubricants and breathing through the nose should be a top priority. In case your nose is stuffy or blocked due to sinuses, breathing through the mouth can be used as a back-up.

10. Take Care of Your Oral Health

Now that we’ve discussed some important measures, be sure to take extra care of your oral health. First of all, brush your teeth diligently twice a day without harming your gums. Secondly, don’t forget to floss your teeth.

Final Verdict

If you’re a regular user of oxygen therapy and on certain medications, you might be facing a dry mouth, throat, or a dry nose. Oxygen tube nose irritation is one of the common complications that many patients with COPD experience. If you are experiencing symptoms such as a sore throat or dry nose and mouth, be sure to visit an experienced and professional doctor. Summit Oxygen Inc, provides the best wellness services and products in:
  • Breckenridge
  • Keystone
  • Copper Mountain
  • Dillon
Visit our website for further information or just call at: 970-468-0142!